Wednesday 22 May 2013

What wrong in being a gay?

There's is something that bothering me weather to blog about it anot. But i decided to blog about it. I just don't really understand why do people like to judge others. So what if others are gay? Why must you people step into other life and mess it up? Why judge? Judge already what you gain? If they are happy with their current life , please just leave them alone. Why put them in pain? Just because they are doing something they like? They don't deserve all this. You people are just selfish. Gay also have feeling okay. Its none of your business. Get the fact right.

Look at this , look at their smile. Its just feel so nice to know that there's is people willing to heck care what theirs thinks. Do what they want. :D SO CUTEEE !

(Something to take note about , i am not saying everyone. I am just saying who say something like "ewwww" or whatever that are hurtful) 

Lastly , thanks for reading ! Love you! <3

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