Thursday 12 June 2014


Friends really play a big part in my life. I only have a few of them. I don't need many friends just a few true friends will do. I had met fake friends and it's really really very sad to know that they actually don't treat you as friend. They only find you when they needed something. (I am just like a service counter) They are no where to be found when you needed them. Push the blame to you when they play a part in the trouble.

Sign to spot a fake friends.

- They only call you when they want or need something. 

- Never Happy When You Achieve Something Great. Tends to have something negative or insulting to say to you everytime you have some good news to share.

- MIA when you needed them.

- Treat you well with you but talk back behind you. 

Thank god, I found my true friends. I may not have alot of friends but just a few true friends will do. They are just like my family. They stay with me just like my family. They are here with me when I have no one to talk to. They give me advice. Lastly, they never let me face trouble alone.

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